Culture-oriented strategies and authenticity of literary translation («The Tale of the Golden Cockerel» by A. Pushkin translated by S. Zhienbaev)

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  • K.B. Urazayeva L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • G. Yerik L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University



literary translation, domestication, foreignization, estrangement, cultural grid


This article is devoted to the analysis of translation strategies of the cultural grid, domestication, foreignization and estrangment. Establishing a connection with the authenticity of literary translation required illustrating examples of their use, analyzing the relationship and influence on the plot and conflict of a fairy tale, conveying the dual nature of laughter poetics. The use of a cultural grid is shown from the standpoint of the formulaic poetics of a folk tale. The predominance of domestication has been substantiated. The concept of domestication has been clarified as a system of notes and additions from the author of the translation. The objects of domestication include the images and motives of the Kazakh mythopoetics, as well as the techniques of the Kazakh rhetorical tradition. As methods of domestication, phraseological resources of the Kazakh language, spectacular and sound symbols, ironic paraphrase, travesty are analyzed. Estrangement is clarified as an extended type of domestication, due to the influence of the national conceptual sphere on the author’s one. Estrangement is shown in the aspect of the use of memorial and ritual poetry. The dominance of domestication is explained by the adaptation of the original to the perception of the recipient of the translation and reflects Zhienbayev’s reliance on the techniques of Kazakh folklore, its symbolism, the figurative structure of the Kazakh language. The authenticity of a literary translation is also analyzed in the context of a syntagmatic plot and a paradigmatic plot. The role of the comic modality in the transfer of the dual laughing poetics of the original is shown. The use of folklore tradition as a factor of authenticity of translation is shown by examples of heroic aesthetics, methods of storytelling. The prospects of the stated topic are due to the study of a literary fairy tale in the Kazakh culture.

Author Biographies

K.B. Urazayeva , L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

– Doctor of Philology, Professor

G. Yerik , L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

– PhD student



How to Cite

Urazayeva К. ., & Yerik Г. (2023). Culture-oriented strategies and authenticity of literary translation («The Tale of the Golden Cockerel» by A. Pushkin translated by S. Zhienbaev). Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. PHILOLOGY Series, 139(2), 138–150.



Theory and practice of translation