The potential of the terminological fund of the Kazakh language (analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators)
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term, terminology, quantitative and qualitative indicator, regularity, linguistic and extralinguistic factorsAbstract
The article determines that the quantitative indicators of the terms contained in
Kazakh-Russian and Russian-Kazakh versions of the 30-volume series of terminological dictionaries of
2014, which form the basis of the terminological fund of Kazakh language, do not coincide. The article
reflects factors influencing.
There were determined composition and number of terms in the columns of the Kazakh language
in the Kazakh-Russian part of the series of dictionaries to analyze potential of the terminological fund
of Kazakh language in terms of its qualitative indicators. There were analyzed a) native Kazakh words;
b) foreign terms entered through the Russian language; c) terms entered from the Russian language; e)
hybrid terms.
Terms that make up the terminological fund of Kazakh language are grouped as follows: terms
included in Russian language from European languages and used in accordance with the rules of
Russian language; terms included in Russian language from European languages and used in
accordance with the rules of Kazakh language; terms entered from some European languages through
Russian language and used in accordance with the rules of Russian and Kazakh languages; terms
included in Russian language from Turkic languages and used in accordance with the rules of Kazakh
language; terms included from Russian language and used in accordance with the rules of Russian
language; terms included from Russian language and used in accordance with the rules of Kazakh
language; terms included in Russian language from European languages, used in accordance with the
rules of the Russian language and the equivalent (equivalents) in Kazakh language; terms included
from Russian language and used in accordance with the rules and equivalents in Kazakh language