The picture of the world in the space of scientific text
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ence, scientific text, scientific discourse, image of the world, scientific language, scientific image of the world, national scientific image of the worldAbstract
The article is aimed at defining the worldview in the space of a scientific text. In this study, the scientific worldview is considered in connection with the concepts of universal and linguistic worldviews, and explained through the system of “worldview – linguistic worldview – scientific worldview”. We scrutinize the third part of the textbook by A. Baitursynov Language as a Tool, entitled System and Types of Sentences, as linguistic data. The scientific worldview is studied through the author’s linguistic and background knowledge, and cognitive features. Linguistic units (terms, proverbs, set expressions, literary words), conveying scientific information in the scientific text are subjected to cognitive, stylistic and pragmatic analysis and used to determine the worldview in the space of a scientific text. Scientific terms in the book Systems and types of Sentences are systematized and compared with the terms from the Kazakh grammar textbook. Terms and definitions are specified as a feature of the scientific text. The linguistic analysis of proverbs is carried out to define their role in the scientific text. The national worldview in the language is explained by means of linguistic data, the interaction of academic language with national language has been considered.