Syntaxtic character of the monument «Мukaddimat al Аdab» by al-Zamakhshari

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  • G. O. Amirova M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • S. R. Boranbayev M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University


Az-Zamakhshari, syntax, dictionary, monument, phrase, sentence, structure, part of speech


The dictionary "Muqaddimat al-Adab" by Zamakhshari, one of the most educated scholars of his time, is considered to be one of the most medieval manuscripts. In this regard, the goal of a comprehensive linguistic study of the dictionary is set, the goal of syntactic analysis is set. This article will focus on the syntactic nature of Az-Zamakhshari's work «Muqaddimat al Adab». The creation of phrases in the language of the monument and their specificity are determined. The properties and features of the composition of phrases made up of each class of words are considered. The conditions for the existence of a phrase are distinguished. The phrases in the language of the monument are compared with the modern Turkic language. Their semantic and structural features are determined. Sentences are also considered depending on pronunciation. Proverbs and exclamation points are defined in the language of the monument. Their function in the sentence differs. The standing and non-permanent members of the sentence are determined. The lexical and semantic nature of the sentence members is analyzed. Their relations with the modern Turkic language are differentiated. The conditions for being a member of the offer are being clarified. The basic principles of membership in the offer are defined. The syntactic patterns found in the modern Kazakh language are considered. It is compared with modern Turkic languages. The differences in the language of the monument are analyzed. The practical value of the research lies in the fact that applicants and university teachers of the humanities can use it in the disciplines of Turkology. The study examines the syntactic patterns found in the modern Kazakh language as a whole. It is compared with modern Turkic languages. The differences in the language of the monument are analyzed.



How to Cite

Amirova Г., & Boranbayev С. (2024). Syntaxtic character of the monument «Мukaddimat al Аdab» by al-Zamakhshari. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. PHILOLOGY Series, 146(1), 41–48. Retrieved from


