«23 Zhoktau» of Alash – «Zhoktau» Symbol of Freedom

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  • D. Kamzabekuly L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University




«Alash» figures, national heritage, folk literature, national motive, national interest, spiritual consciousness


This article considers literature as one of the types of art that has both an
aesthetic and ideological goal. While artistry is based on feelings and tastes, the idea is based
on the demands and interests of the nation and country. Since ancient times, the Kazakh people
understood the importance of the world and responsibly treated earthly and eternal life. It was
believed that earthly life is a preparation for eternal life, and a person must account to the spirit
of the deceased (aruahs). Following one to his grave was performed as a special ritual. The poetic
image of this rite is Zhoktau (crying for the dead). During the years of Bolshevism, the cultural
intelligentsia «Alash» released «23 Zhoktau» as a separate compilation. In this book, life stories
of great personalities who fought for the development and freedom of the Kazakh people are
presented in a poetic form. At first glance, the form of the narrative could seem like a “national
heritage”, but the actual content was “crying for freedom”. «23 Zhoktau» was prepared by
prominent figures like Ahmet Baitursyn-uly and Alikhan Bokeikhan. We can safely say that this
compilation that includes hopes and aspirations, sadness and suffering, pride and wisdom of four
centuries, is a symbol of Zhoktau for freedom



How to Cite

Kamzabekuly Д. (2018). «23 Zhoktau» of Alash – «Zhoktau» Symbol of Freedom. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. PHILOLOGY Series, 125(4), 76–85. https://doi.org/10.32523/2616-678X-2018-125-4-76-85


