The Tragic Fate of the Russian Women and the Symbol of the Russians Identity (According to the Novel «Time of Women» by E. Chizhova)
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woman, mental pain, despair, responsibility, communication of generationsAbstract
In this Novel, the Writer managed to focus on the Russian life in the past century and
the sufferings, that woman had from the effects of wars through describing a life of five women sharing a
flat who resembled three consecutive generations. The “past” generation is reflected by three old women
(Ariadne, Glikeriya and Evdokia). Those women have suffered a lot. They had lost their families in the
time of war. They lost their husbands, children, and even their grandchildren. So, they lost confidence in
the Soviet future, which the people claimed to be a bright future for the country. The “present” generation
is represented by Mother Antonina, whose suffering was different. She have faced many hardships. She
assumed the responsibilities of five persons. She worked for extra hours in the factory. At home, she did the
cleaning, laundry, and cooking of food. She represented her generation, who played the role of both man
and woman at the same time. Suzanna who represents the future generation suffered in a different way. She
felt lonely, especially after her mother and grandmother’s death. She lost her support represented in her
father and mother, so she built her future alone.