General problems of studying legal information in Kazakh lexicon
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relationship names, legal information, country, state, patron, guardian, breadwinnerAbstract
The article deals with the problems of some linguistic units with legal information
meaning in the Kazakh language. Changes in everyday life, traditions and social relations of the Kazakhs
led to changes in the meaning of words as well. These include the meanings of legal information in words.
This is especially obvious when analyzing names of relative relations. The place of each person in society
and relations between people are determined by their status. For example, the meaning of the word “father”
consists of his rights and obligations. The father is obliged to take care and protect his children, and
accordingly can demand from them. Likewise, mother, son, daughter, brother, daughter-in-law and many
other denominations have such valuable information in their meaning. The article draws attention to this
problem, as well as clarifies the secrets of extra linguistics