Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. PHILOLOGY Series https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main <p><strong>Thematic area:</strong> linguistics, literary studies, methods of teaching language and literature, translation studies</p> <p><strong>Publications languages :</strong> Kazakh, Russian, English.</p> <p><strong>Periodicity:</strong> 4 times a year.</p> <p><strong>Subscription index:</strong> 76097 (Kazpost JSC catalog for 2023: ENU magazines).</p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><strong>Certificate of registration for re-registration:</strong> <a href="https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/3"><span class="fontstyle0">№ KZ53VPY00032637</span></a></span></p> <p>The journal is included in the list of publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan</p> en-US Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 History and language interactions of toponyms of East Kazakhstan https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/757 <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article examines interlanguage contacts and their role at the stage of formation of the<br>toponymic system of East Kazakhstan – from the emergence of ancient Turkic and Mongolian toponymy<br>to the beginning of the XX century, when the main strata – Turkic (Kazakh) and Indo-European (Slavic) -<br>took shape.<br>The main issue of the article was the question of the nature of the relations of these strata, namely:<br>how they were created and what interlanguage interactions formed them, how these strata correlated on<br>the path of the historical development of language collectives and society as a whole. The answer to this<br>question will help to understand the current state of the toponymy of the region, will allow it to identify<br>living, dynamic areas and centers of tension that require updating and development.<br>In this study we will consider as the main Turkic (Kazakh) and Slavic (mainly Russian) regional<br>toponymy, which emerged at a certain stage, developed, interacting with each other and incorporating<br>numerous foreign language bases, primarily Mongolian.<br>The regional toponymy has developed as a single multicomponent system. The material of the article<br>allows us to conclude that the unity of the toponymic system of East Kazakhstan was due to the widest<br>interlingual contacts, manifested in the borrowings of toponyms and entire groups against the background<br>of Russian-Kazakh and Kazakh-Russian bilingualism.</span> </p> Zh.К. Adilova, Sh.B. Seiitova Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/757 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Linguistic Affirmations as a basis in Children’s Education https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/758 <p><span class="fontstyle0">The article considers the issue of linguistic national consciousness based on artistic images<br>in Kazakh literature. The study is aimed at conducting a linguocultural analysis of linguistic units from<br>literary works expressed in the form of implicit affirmations. The authors suggest that systematic use of<br>mind-setting speech and language attitudes for educational purposes can contribute to the formation of a<br>healthy linguistic self-awareness in younger generations. An analysis of modern media shows a growing<br>trend of negative social changes in the behavior of children and youth, negative experiences in family<br>relationships, and an increase in the level of anxiety and stress in society caused by economic, political,<br>and social problems. It is associated with the distortion of the linguistic consciousness of children and<br>human values such as kindness, sympathy, family, friendship, love, and patriotism. In this regard, a<br>complete reassessment of spiritual values is required. Based on the linguistic and linguocultural analysis<br>of work by Kazakh writers, the authors propose to identify linguistic affirmations that can influence the positive formation of children’s consciousness, which in turn will lead to the development of a mentally<br>and spiritually healthy personality. The article discusses linguistic units from B. Momyshuly’s narrative<br>Ushkan uya (Flight from the Nest), which, in the authors’ opinion, contains the core of positive linguistic<br>consciousness and, consequently, linguistic behavior in the "parent-child" relationship. <br></span></p> B.A. Abdykhanova, A.F. Akkaliyeva, A.N. Koilybaeva Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/758 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Features of formal and informal communication in English language https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/759 <p>This article discusses the real problem of using formal and informal communication styles in English. We use the official language when we talk to people we don't know well or don't know personally. This is the style of academic writing. The official language is characterized by more complex sentence structures, the rare use of personal pronouns, and the absence of colloquial and slang terms. An informal letter consists of short sentences and is used in more personal communication, for example, when writing a letter to friends or family. Informal language is more casual and spontaneous; there are no specific rules for it. Therefore, it is important to know the main differences in the use of these two communication styles, in which situation they can be applied. The authors' attention is paid to the main characteristics and specifics of the registers. Some typical examples of the misuse of styles are presented and possible options for improving the style of speech are proposed, since non-compliance with these rules can have a negative impact on communication, both oral and written. In return, knowledge of the features will help to maintain work in the same style, taking into account all lexicographic techniques and features.</p> A.O. Akhtursunova, G.T. Aubakirova Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/759 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Syntaxtic character of the monument «Мukaddimat al Аdab» by al-Zamakhshari https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/760 <p>The dictionary "Muqaddimat al-Adab" by Zamakhshari, one of the most educated scholars of his time, is considered to be one of the most medieval manuscripts. In this regard, the goal of a comprehensive linguistic study of the dictionary is set, the goal of syntactic analysis is set. This article will focus on the syntactic nature of Az-Zamakhshari's work «Muqaddimat al Adab». The creation of phrases in the language of the monument and their specificity are determined. The properties and features of the composition of phrases made up of each class of words are considered. The conditions for the existence of a phrase are distinguished. The phrases in the language of the monument are compared with the modern Turkic language. Their semantic and structural features are determined. Sentences are also considered depending on pronunciation. Proverbs and exclamation points are defined in the language of the monument. Their function in the sentence differs. The standing and non-permanent members of the sentence are determined. The lexical and semantic nature of the sentence members is analyzed. Their relations with the modern Turkic language are differentiated. The conditions for being a member of the offer are being clarified. The basic principles of membership in the offer are defined. The syntactic patterns found in the modern Kazakh language are considered. It is compared with modern Turkic languages. The differences in the language of the monument are analyzed. The practical value of the research lies in the fact that applicants and university teachers of the humanities can use it in the disciplines of Turkology. The study examines the syntactic patterns found in the modern Kazakh language as a whole. It is compared with modern Turkic languages. The differences in the language of the monument are analyzed.</p> G. O. Amirova , S. R. Boranbayev Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/760 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Poetic subcorpus: prosodic marking https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/761 <p>This article is dedicated to describing the prosodic marking of poetic texts in the Kazakh language. Prosodic marking of a text involves segmenting it into syntagmas, marking syntagmas into rhythmic groups, and marking the intonation type of syntagmas according to specific rules. The term 'syntagma' refers to an independent, intonationally meaningful part of a phrase or the entire phrase itself. Establishing the boundaries of syntagmas affects the conveyance of semantic content and the type of intoneme. When dividing the text into syntagmas, it is crucial not to place the boundary of a syntagma where it may disrupt the meaningful perception of speech. Specific rules of syntagmatic segmentation, which is based on punctuation and phonetic analysis of the text, are employed to establish the boundaries of syntagmas in natural speech. Therefore, the findings of prosodic analysis showed that poetic discourse in Kazakh language, as in other Turkic languages, is based on a syllabic structure, where a stable number of syllables per line is a necessary condition for the existence of rhythm. The prosodic marking of poetic subcorpora indicates that prosodic elements serve as a means of expressing punctuation marks in oral speech.</p> Z.M. Bazarbayeva, A.B. Srailova, Zh.T. Zhumabayeva Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/761 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Toponyms of East Kazakhstan formed from the name of the numeral (East Kazakhstan and Abai regions) https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/762 <p>The formation and development of toponyms in any region is influenced by the geographical environment, political events and the nation, the worldview and attitude of people. In general, in the linguistic study of geographical names, it is very effective to consider them with a division into geographical regions. In the East Kazakhstan region, which we consider as an object, there are many toponyms formed by numerals. In our article we will consider the toponyms formed by the numeral from a cognitive, etymological point of view. At the same time, the features of the use in the toponymy system of combined geographical names created using the analytical-semantic approach and combined geographical names created by using the name of the numeral + noun are determined. Toponyms created using the names of the countable numbers "three, five, six, one hundred, one thousand, four, nine" in the East Kazakhstan region were taken as the main object of the study. Toponyms consisting of words semantically close to the numeral, that is, toponyms formed by a combination of polysemous words "twin, double, half, one, many" and nouns were also considered.</p> A.M. Baibossyn Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/762 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Word formation processes and their development from the perspective of synergetics https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/765 <p>The openness of the language system in recent decades has led to the emergence of a large number of new formations that reflect various aspects of social life and are presented in media texts. New developments in the media show how the derivational mechanism and word-formation system react to current sociopolitical processes. In addition, such a process is considered at the stage of mutual influence and interaction of the Kazakh, Russian and English languages, which contribute to an increase in the productivity of some word-formation models and a decrease in the activity of others. New nominations are observed from the position of an open, dynamic, nonlinear and complex system, which is embedded in the methodology of synergetics. In this work, the system goes through certain stages in its evolutionary development: nonlinearity - the impact of fluctuations - a bifurcation point - an attractor. The relevance of the topic lies in the analysis of word formation processes and their development, reflecting modern Kazakhstan reality. In this case, synergetics helps to see it as approaches for analyzing changes in the local language through adaptation, acceptance and reaching a point of balance. The purpose of this article is to identify and study the synergistic aspects of the analysis of word-formation processes and adaptation of foreign language elements in which dynamic processes are observed.</p> T.Ye. Zhaparova, К.Ж. Джолчибекова, A.R. Nurzhanova Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/765 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pragmatics of television discourse https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/766 <p>The article is devoted to the recognition of the pragmatic nature of television discourse, and morning programs are studied as a specific object. With the development of scientific and technological progress, social relations become more complicated, the flow of information must be fast, accurate, concise and truthful - the main requirement of the media industry. The discursive nature of the modern media sphere is focused on pragmatic goals within the framework of the addressee-text-addressee trinity. In a research article aimed at recognizing the pragmatic nature of television discourse, the task is to consider a language based on the principles of the anthropocentric paradigm, in general, on the basis of the world of human consciousness and cognition, spiritual values. The research article was aimed at identifying innovations in the format of morning information programs and clarifying their pragmatic goals. When assessing the relationship between the addressee and the addressee, the professional skills of the TV presenter and the level of knowledge of the culture of direct broadcasting, the knowledge and knowledge of the addressee and the addressee, etc., are taken into account when communicating. Theoretically, it is necessary to consider programs in television discourse within the framework of an anthroporelevant paradigm. It is known that the act of speaking on television forms the culture of speech in society, therefore, from a practical point of view, it is valuable to pay attention to the possibilities and use of television and master the culture of the screen. That is why it is very important to consider language as a whole, based on human consciousness and knowledge, spiritual values and peace.</p> Zh.M. Imangalikova, K.T. Malikov Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/766 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Historical vowel change (based on the work «Shezhire-i terakime”) https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/767 <p><span class="fontstyle0">The language of the ancient Turkic, Middle Turkic written monuments reflecting the<br>peculiarities of the development of the Turkic languages is considered at the level of a literary-written<br>language with small phonetic features common to all Turkic tribes, characterized by some dialect or semidialect features. The study of written monuments in the linguistic aspect is important for linguistics.<br>Including the system of sounds, the definition of their historical formation is a meaningful branch of<br>language.<br>The article considers the systems of vowel sounds, their historical changes in the work of Abulgaza<br>Bahadur Khan “Shezhire-i terakime”. This work was written in the XVII century in the Chagatai language.<br>Since the Chagatai language is a common written language for all Turkic peoples, it makes it possible to<br>differentiate the phonological layer of works in the language – to reveal new data concerning historical<br>grammar. At the same time, the article refers to the change of the vowels </span><span class="fontstyle2">e &gt; i, ü &gt; e, ü &gt; i, o &gt; a, u &gt; a </span><span class="fontstyle0">in<br>the work “Shezhire-i terakime”. The use of vowel changes in the monuments of the early Turkic period,<br>manuscripts characteristic of the Middle Turkic period, modern Turkic languages is analyzed. Analyzing<br>this work from a phonological point of view, it was aimed at identifying the continuity between vocalisms,<br>the historical formation of vocalisms, related, related languages. In order to study the system of vocalisms,<br>the nature of their changes, a comparative historical method was used. The research article analyzes the<br>changes of vowels in “Shezhir-i terakime” along the historical chain, in ancient Turkic written monuments,<br>M. Kashgari’s dictionary “Divani lugat-it Turk” was compared with the system of vocalisms in modern<br>Turkic languages.</span> </p> K.K. Kenzhalin, D.A. Baltabay Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/767 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Historical vowel change (based on the work «Shezhire-i terakime”) https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/768 <p><strong>.</strong>&nbsp; This paper presents a lingual-stylistic description of social network communication in the Kazakh-language. Kazakh language exists in two forms: written and oral. Nowadays virtual communication has become the third sphere where Kazakh language is used. Social Network Communication has its own peculiarities just as the oral and written communication.&nbsp; The following examples of network communication characteristics are given in this article: 1) anonymity; 2) network communication is based on network user’s willing; 3) usage of non-verbal techniques in addition to the content to convey emotionality; 4) deviation of network communication activities from standard norms.</p> <p>The language used in social networks is characterized by colloquialization, expressiveness, polycode, vulgarity, and cheapness of speech, as well as unmotivated multilingualism. The concept of colloquialization refers to the introduction of words characteristic of the spoken language into the literary norm. Expressiveness in the social network is used to express network users’ words in a way that is clear, expressive, and has a strong impact, according to the intended goals. In addition to natural language units, texts in social networks consist of graphic, font, and visual tools. It is a sign of the polycode nature of the network language. Some communication features in social networks lead to speech culture rudeness and cheapness. The ways of these features appearance and the impact on language levels will be discussed in the paper.</p> Z. R. Kurmanbekova Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/768 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Linguocultural study of women’s costumes in the novel "The plum in the golden vase" by Zhuang Zheng from the perspective of cultural translation https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/769 <p>The visual nature of modern culture actualizes interest in the ethnic cultures of antiquity, including the historical costume. At the mass level, this is manifested in museum expositions, in the popularity of fiction. In practice, the costume should be considered as a sociocode that captures certain characteristics of a particular culture and, at the same time, is an intermediary among the cultures of different chronological periods, carrying out communication, transmission and assimilation of certain information that is significant for this culture. The analysis of the sociocultural codes of the traditional Chinese costume is of interest to researchers from the point of view of a deeper understanding of the Chinese thought about tradition - the idea of internal continuity of externally disparate phenomena, allows us to identify the fundamental ideological prerequisites of previous historical eras and their manifestations in the essential features of modern culture, to trace the interaction of traditional and innovative. In this regard, in this article we analyze the translations of the famous Chinese novel The Plum in the Golden Vase (金瓶梅 Jīn Píng Méi), which contains a huge number of items of clothing, in particular, women's traditional costume. The narrative delves into themes of desire, morality, social status, and the intricate dynamics of relationships. It provides a detailed culture portrayal of the society, and lifestyle of the time, while also commenting on the hypocrisy and moral decay of the era. The study provided a comparative analysis of translations by Edgerton and David Tod Roy. The importance of historical materials, cultural relics and ancient paintings to the translation of costumes is explored.</p> D.K. Nygmanova, G.I. Kuldeyeva Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/769 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The relationship of linguistic reflection with discourse and text https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/770 <p>This article examines the relationship of linguistic reflection with discourse and text, as well as the reflection of the process of reflection in the text and its place in linguistics. With the advent of cognitivism, the importance of studying the concept of linguistic reflection, its interdisciplinary nature, and linguistic units from the point of view of the mental aspect has increased.</p> <p>While discourse defines the unity of word and thought as a way of representing and comprehending the universe, text is a unit of discourse that is transmitted by the language code as a result of cognitive activity. The reaction in the reader's mind to the perception of information in the text is revealed, which turns into a process of reflection in the analysis of linguistic units that have become stimuli for him, and this is investigated in combination with the concept of linguistic reflection. In this regard, the terms "language code" and "cognitive code" are defined, and examples are given. To determine the correlation of text and discourse with linguistic reflection, excerpts from B. Sokpakbayev's work "My name is Кozha" were taken. The article uses methods of analysis, synthesis, description and modeling, based on the works of scientists considering the cognitive nature of discourse within the interdisciplinary field of science.</p> P.S. Sydyk, K.K. Sadirova Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/770 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Principle of conceptual integration in stylistics https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/771 <p>The article discusses the initial provisions of conceptual integration, defines the process of conceptual integration, initial spaces, common spaces and blends. The purpose of the study is to describe the main provisions of the theory of conceptual integration in the context of cognitive processes occurring during the creation and use of metaphors and other linguistic phenomena. The relevance of the work is explained by the fact that the possibility of using the provisions of the theory of conceptual integration to explain the nature of many linguistic units, including a number of stylistic phenomena, is being considered. The work provides analyses of a number of linguistic phenomena based on the mechanism of conceptual integration: phrases built on the principle of conceptual integration, some grammatical constructions, complex nouns. In addition, a set of stylistic phenomena are considered, which are based on the principle of conceptual integration, these include occasionalisms, metaphor, antonomasia, etc. Using the example of the analysis of some of the above linguistic phenomena, the mechanism of formation of blends is demonstrated. The mutual influence of the theories of conceptual integration and the theory of conceptual metaphor is revealed by comparing provisions, concepts and analyzing linguistic units. Such an analysis allows us to make reliable conclusions and inferences. The examples presented in the article are borrowed from the texts of newspapers, magazines and belles-letters style.</p> А.A. Tadjibaeva, A.A. Tajibayeva Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/771 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Folk knowledge as a national code in the work of A. Kemelbaeva https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/777 <p>The article deals with the topic of folk knowledge. Analyzing the historical stages of Kazakh literature, folk knowledge is determined on the basis of a national idea, national character. In turn, the national idea reflects the formation of the people on a historical basis, determining that national knowledge is formed from the unity of religion and religion. On this basis, folk knowledge in a work of art was considered as a national code. The National Code was defined as a reflection in the art of speech of the cultural experience of the people in historical periods. The definition of the concept of folk knowledge in a work of art was considered in connection with the concepts of a semantic constant, a religious motive. Analyzing the opinions of researchers of the period of independence, on the basis of folk knowledge, the topic of "religion" was comprehensively analyzed, which is the highest category in everyday life and history, socio-cultural practice of the people. The national identity of the people reflects the history, culture, and worldview. On this basis, we see that the Faith and worldview of the Kazakh people have a deep structure. Considering the reflection in a work of art of events that occurred in historical periods, we determine that they are based on a certain motive. Thus, the article presents a religious motive based on the work of A. Kemelbaeva. The article analyzes the stories of A. Kemelbaeva "Worship", "Silver needles", "Mistress of the soul". Manifestations of a religious motive are associated with folk knowledge, which is recognized as the main semantic content in each of the stories.</p> A.B. Abdullina Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/777 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Reflection of Kazakh society in Abay’s «Words of edification» https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/778 <p>The article deals with the depiction of Kazakh society in Abai’s “Words of Edification”. Of course, the legacy of the great Abai is the spiritual landmark of the Kazakh people. “Words of Edification” is one of the priceless works of the steppe genius. If the main object of the author’s attention is a person, then the goal of Abai’s reflections is the education of the individual.</p> <p>In his works, Abai proclaimed: “Do not be the son of only your father, be the son of the people.” In answering the question of how to make a person's life meaningful after birth, he developed his humanistic programme.</p> <p>What can we get from a comparison of the morals of the Kazakh people, who were subjected to Abai in their time, and the morals encountered today? Or are there innate character traits that can be corrected? Why did Abai exclaim: “If I had power, I would cut out the tongue of anyone who claims that a person is incorrigible”?! What can be done to correct a person's temperament? The main goal of this work is to find answers to the questions posed and prove the relevance of Abai’s “Words of Edification” in modern conditions. To achieve this goal, the key points of the thinker’s thoughts were subjected to comprehensive analysis.</p> B. A. Yerdembekov Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/778 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Folklore integrativity in J. Aimautov's short story «The Tragedy in the soul of Zhanabai» https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/779 <p>The literature of the Alash period is one of the richest spiritual treasures of our civil history, the content, idea, artistic character of which have developed within the framework of national heritage and state interests. The process of collecting, systematizing, studying this literary heritage was quite well formed during the period of independence of our country. The study of the heritage of literature of the Alash period within the framework of new scientific paradigms, the disclosure of the content in the integration of social and humanitarian sciences, the recognition of the abundance of folklore material in literature through interdisciplinary connections determines the main purpose of this article. The written heritage is studied in the aspect of integrative folklore studies, which reveals the manifestation of the aesthetics of the people in the literature of the Alash period. The article deals with the problem of folklore integrativity in written literature, including its character in the literature of the Alash period. The theoretical characteristic of the integrative folklore studies developed in the modern humanities is given, the results of the research method of which are applied to the heritage of literature of the Alash period. The development of Kazakh written literature indicates that folklore material was a valuable source of it. The manifestation of the folklore tradition in Alash literature is analyzed on the basis of the story of the outstanding writer Zh. Aimautov "The tragedy in the soul of Zhanabai". The reason for writing this work in a certain historical period is determined. Within the framework of sociofolcloristics, the content and idea of the work are revealed, folklore motifs, examples, characters that influenced the artistic decision, the idea of the story are demonstrated.</p> K.R. Kemenger Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/779 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Bakhytzhan Kanapyanov`s philosophical lyrics https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/780 <p>The relevance of the study is determined by the increased interest in the work of Bakhytzhan Kanapyanov. The philosophical orientation of Bakhytzhan Kanapyanov`s poetry is of constant interest in the studies of philologists, both individual poems and poems of close themes are subjected to deep analysis. In line with the anthropocentric paradigm dominating in modern linguistics, the works on the study of B. Kanapyanov`s concepts have been published. However, despite the wide range of issues of the poet`s work subjected to scientific research, his peculiar manner of choosing subjects, the style clarity and personal philosophical representation of everything that exists need further scientific study.</p> <p>The authors of the given article set the goal to analyze the philosophical orientation of the poet`s work and present the results of the analysis. Philosophical perception of life is characteristic of every person, especially a poet. B. Kanapyanov`s work is characterized by his own, special understanding of all life situations. His philosophy does not arise from the assimilation of doctrines about the meaning of life and death, about man and his connection with the history of the people and the duty to him. His philosophy is purely individual, it is born in the poetic search and is embodied in a conceptual idea of the world, the universe and man in conceptual metaphors: space – star – man, nature – harmony – man, music – world – soul. To prove the main conclusion of the study, the authors applied the appropriate research methodology, which allows confirming the need for research in the discourse of the poet`s work and his worldview. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the philosophy of Bakhytzhan Kanapyanov`s poetic text is formed in the process of the birth of a verse through the author`s thoughts, his philosophical understanding of life is revealed to the reader through empathy with the author.</p> Z.P. Tabakova, Ye.A. Zhuravleva Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/780 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Artistic and aesthetic functions of the sign (on the example of A. Oripov's poems) https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/783 <p>The article discusses the sign and its artistic and aesthetic functions. In Uzbek literary studies of the second half of the last century, the sign, which is the basis of wide discussions in world linguistics and literary studies, and its artistic and aesthetic tasks have been studied quite a bit, therefore, the study of the sign and its functions in a work of art is relevant. Artistic analysis, in particular, shows that it is necessary to identify the organizing and integrating functions of the symbol in the composition of the work. In this, the author proceeds from the scientific and theoretical views of such famous semiotic scientists as Roland Barthes, Mikhail Khrapchenko, Nire Lajos, Mikhail Epstein. The author presents his views on semiology using the example of the poems of the famous poet Abdulla Oripov. The relevant conclusions obtained during the study are based on the experience and generalizations that he received during the study. Scientific results in such subjects as philology, art history, cultural studies, philosophy, aesthetics were used.</p> K.V. Yulchiev Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/783 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effectiveness of using translated cartoons in teaching https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/784 <p>Cartoons have reached a peak of popularity and have a significant impression on young people over the world.</p> <p>Children's cartoon translations take into account factors as cultural adaptability, the possibility of learning a foreign language, and the psychological impact on children. During the analysis of the translation of the Kazakh fairy tale, it is possible to consider at what level the above factors are taken into account. Our goal is to broaden students' worldviews about the environment and their vocabulary, which includes both foreign and native words. To identify the level of impact on children in teaching and learning foreign languages, we have conducted a survey and analyzed Kazakh cartoons translated into English. Thus, we could mention the differences in cultural identity between the original and translated texts and adaptation to English-speaking children. Furthermore, research has shown that the majority of children nowadays learn foreign languages through cartoons. Thus, translating cartoons is an important part of children's education.</p> N. Zhumay, P.Zh. Balkhimbekova, A. Gunes Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/784 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Peculiarities of slang translation in fiction https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/785 <p>When translating a work of art, translators are faced with the problem of translating slang, due to the lack of an equivalent in the target language. In this article, it seems relevant to consider ways of translating slang units into Russian and Kazakh languages. The work examined examples of slang translation and identified methods for transmitting slang vocabulary. In the practical part, a comparative analysis of the original and translation was used to identify the causes of semantic shifts leading to the transformation of the speech image. The conclusion of the experimental work is that translators use predominantly lexically equivalent substitutions, compensation techniques and descriptive translation. This study allows us to make a contribution to the study of slang units and ways of translating them into Russian and Kazakh languages. The object of the study is slang units used in S. King’s novel “The Green Mile” and their translation into Russian and Kazakh languages. The practical significance lies in the possibility of applying the research results in translation practice.</p> А.Ye. Stambekova, E.T. Zhanysbekova Copyright (c) 2024 https://bulphil.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/785 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000